The Fundamentals
Of Jazz Drumming
This section covers a lot of jazz drumming basics, giving you some tips on how to play jazz drums, including the basic jazz drum beat, how to read jazz drum notation and what jazz music to listen to. Everything you need to start playing the jazz drum set.
From Time to a Fill - creating a smooth flow
In jazz drumming and many other styles of drumming, we want to move between time and playing fills. However, it is important we do this smoothly and steadily without upsetting the underlying flow of the music. These simple beginner exercises help with transitioning from time to a fill and back.
How to Play a Two Feel
The two feel is an essential time pattern that all jazz drummers must know how to play. Here is a breakdown of the jazz drumming two feel.
4 Essential Jazz Cymbal Patterns
Here are four basic and essential jazz cymbal patterns to use with everything you practice.
Building the Five-Stroke Roll - an essential jazz drumming tool
In jazz drumming and many other styles of drumming, the five-stroke roll is an exceedingly useful tool and exceedingly common. When you are starting out with jazz drumming this is one rudiment that you need to get under your hands and into your playing. When you do, you will find almost endless applications.
Read more … Building the Five-Stroke Roll - an essential jazz drumming tool
Beat Placements - An Essential, Comprehensive Practice Tool
Beat Placements are simply about placing a figure or idea on every possible place in the bar to systematically cover all possibilities. This is an essential practice tool that I find constantly useful.
Read more … Beat Placements - An Essential, Comprehensive Practice Tool
1:2:3:4 - The Basic Rhythmic Scale
The rhythmic scale and the transitions between the primary ways of sub dividing the beat is an essential element in your development as a jazz drummer. It will also open up many more possibilities in your drumming.
3 Essential Bossa Nova Beats
Playing Bossa Nova is an essential part of playing jazz drums. Here are three basic Bossa Nova beats to get you started.
How To Play The Jazz Shuffle
The jazz shuffle is a basic groove that has its roots in the blues and was made popular by Art Blakey.
How To Play Jazz Drums in 3/4
Once you have become comfortable with playing jazz in 4/4, you will need to work on playing in 3/4, a jazz waltz. You will start to find that there are some popular tunes played in 3/4 - a good exam is “All Blues” from the Miles Davis album “Kind of Blue” - and that on a gig a couple of the tunes are likely to be in 3/4.
Triplet Comping in Jazz Drumming
Once your main jazz cymbal pattern is flowing and comfortable, it is time to think about adding comping figures with the snare drum and bass drum.