The Fundamentals
Of Jazz Drumming
This section covers a lot of jazz drumming basics, giving you some tips on how to play jazz drums, including the basic jazz drum beat, how to read jazz drum notation and what jazz music to listen to. Everything you need to start playing the jazz drum set.
How To Begin Jazz Drum Comping
Once your main jazz cymbal pattern is flowing and comfortable, it is time to think about adding comping figures with the snare drum and bass drum.
How To Understand The Jazz Cymbal Pattern
This is probably the single most important aspect of jazz drumming - good cymbal time. Here we look at how to conceptualize and practice it. Essential for beginners but also a helpful reminder and review for the rest of us.
How To Subdivide The Beat
Once you understand which note on the stave stands for which part of the drum you, you then have to understand the rhythmic values of each note. In this post I will briefly explain and show you the sub-divisions of the beat.
How To Read Drum Music
In order to use the jazz drumming resources on this site you need to able to read drum music and understand drum notation. Here is a rough guide to reading drum music.
What Books Do I Need For Jazz Drumming?
With the aim of trying to get maximum results from a minimum starting point, there are only really two drumming books you need to work get started with, and they are probably the most famous.
How To Start Playing Jazz Drums
This first article serves as an outline for a syllabus for learning jazz drums. Here are six things you need to work on in order to start playing jazz drums: