on jazz drumming

Triplet comping figures seven-beat displacements


jazz drumming #idea 67

jazz drumming idea 67

This set of exercises is very similar to the previous post. This time we are using a seven-beat pattern and using that to move the triplet partial around.

The triplet figure is played twice and then displaced by a rest. All in all, it takes seven bars to resolve.

As before, Exercise [A] uses two snare beats to a bass drum, played twice this time.

Exercise [B] uses one bass drum beat played to two snare drum beats. It is the reverse of [A].

You should experiment with voicing the snare drum part around the kit.

When you can play the whole exercise, try starting it on different bars or starting the figure on different beats. This way you can create some two and four-bar phrases to integrate into your time playing.

Again, the PDF contains two more ideas along the same lines.

Finally, swap out the bass drum for the hi-hat and repeat.

This is an exercise to extend your ear and your coordination so you need to experiment with using parts of these phrases musically in your time playing.

Have fun. Make music.

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